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Tunes From Zoom

Send in the Music has been offering free Saturday music jams for 3 years.

We have had over 150 sessions and played around 3000 songs together. 


Many of our song leaders have created their own tabs for us. In honor of our "3rd birthday," some song leaders are offering Keepsake e-books of their tab for sale. 


A portion of the proceeds from each sale will be donated to Send in the Music to help defer the cost of operations.


Thank you Song-Leaders, you are the BEST.




Tunes from Zoom
Winter 2021/22

Carolyn Brodginski

Featuring music arrangements for the mountain dulcimer by Carolyn Brodginski.

Purchase Carolyn Brodginski's Book here:

Tunes From Zoom
Multiple versions available

Laurie Alsobrook

Featuring music arrangements for the mountain dulcimer, tabbed by 

Laurie Alsobrook. 

Purchase all of Laurie Alsobrook's books, including her "No Frills" Books here:


Tunes from Zoom
How Can I Keep From Singing


Featuring music arrangements for the mountain dulcimer by Carol Crocker.


Purchase Carol's book here:

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Tunes from Zoom
This and That

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Featuring music arrangements for mountain dulcimer by Shawn McCurdy.

Click here for ordering information.

Tunes From Zoom
Eclectic Tunes


Featuring music arrangements for the mountain dulcimer, tabbed by 

Dallas Kay Evans

Click here for ordering information.

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Tunes From Zoom
From Wales 2022

Featuring music for the mountain dulcimer tabbed by Jan Cormie and collated by Hamish Cormie. 


Jan and Hamish want you to know that your entire donation will be delivered to the Send In the Music Pay Pal account to help cover operating costs.


Order by using the  Donate Button

Suggested donation:  $15


After donation is received,  your book will be e-mailed to you. 

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Donate with PayPal
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